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Polish Property Tax

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What does the Polish Deal (New Polish Order) mean for non-resident property owners?

This article was reviewed by a tax advisor. 

The Polish Deal (also known as the New Polish Order) was introduced on 1 July 2022, though some of the regulations will not take effect until 1 January 2023. In this guide, you will find everything you need to know as an overseas landlord with property in Poland about the Polish Deal.

What is the Polish Deal?

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Polish Property Tax

Polish property tax – Everything you need to know

Poland has become an increasingly popular destination for foreign property investors in recent years, thanks to its stable economy, attractive real estate prices, and growing rental market.

If you’re an expat who is considering an investment in Polish property, it’s essential to understand the income tax in Poland for foreigners which can be complex and differ from other countries.

In this article, we will provide a comprehensive overview of the real estate tax in Poland, covering the various taxes and fees that property owners need to be aware of. By the end of this guide, you will have a comprehensive understanding of personal income tax in Poland, allowing you to make informed decisions when investing in Polish property.

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French Property Tax / German Property Tax / Hungarian Property Tax / Irish Property Tax / Polish Property Tax / Property Tax Tips / Spanish Property Tax / UK Property Tax / USA Property Tax

What is the history behind PTI Returns? Q&A from our tax team.

When was “Property Tax International” created?

The idea was born in 2006.

We noticed that more and more people were purchasing property abroad and there was a gap in the market for a company that could organise and manage the tax requirements of international property owners.

We wanted to help people who have a property and rental income in France, Germany, Spain, Ireland, the UK, Poland, Hungary and the USA to meet their tax obligations.

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